Cornish Hedge
The Cornish Hedge collection illustrates the wonder of the stones and pieces of granite that have formed century old field boundaries crafted by skills learned over generations. The jewellery metals are tiny pieces of textured copper or bronze or gilding metal attached to sterling silver.
“Don’t call me a bank or wall don’t ever say hedgerow I am boundary I am keeper I have miles enough to circle the Earth I am iron-age bronze-age constructed by celts ancient or modern I still have my purpose I may have grounders of granite or edgers of slate be filled with subsoil or rubble where soil’s too precious to waste I am as wide as I am high I endure hundred years without the need for repair I am bound by tree root and flower I am refuge for animals and insect I am vertical meadow eye-level ground I am roadside I am woodland I am margin of field on moor on coast in garden and street I am marker of landscape made by my landscape I am”.
- Jennie Carr